The mayhem and the chaos of GI Joe is what makes it a watchable flick. Without action the movie might just go quite shadowy.
Although I’ve just had a glimpse of the characters, the brutal, the benevolent and the procrastinating ones lingering in the middle who are coerced, invited and pushed and pulled to fight the demons who have just taken over the centre stage. The good guys chase the bad till the end until the white house is spared and the world is fresh again to begin a new life. Very cosmetic indeed.
But the apparel is no doubt something we’ve been looking for. The Cobra (villain) adorns a full-length leather trench coat costume which seems like a furnace worker uniform. So we’ll refine it better than Hollywood. The GI Joe Cobra leather costume from UK Leather Factory is my favourite pick for today.
1st - Equipment Cobra Demands - Out of the furnace, we bring it on the road on a heavy bike like the green Yamaha (shown besides) which uplifts the black moody dark costume from pessimism. It does a great job there. Grace the road, lift the moods.
2nd – Crumpled Cargo Pants – a little of crumply looking dirty green cargo pants will do quite a lot of informal favour to the serious looking costume. Get dark dirty green pants or army-camouflaged designed cargo pants with some army steel toed boots (shown in picture) but I don’t recommend those heavy muscular boots. Bikers look good in racing shoes and boots. Simply a turn-on.
3rd Combination – Biker Boots – now some raving biker boots for the racing practise and these black do commend the overall apparel selection. Boots are complete personality check. The perfect ones I dug out are these black Diora biker boots with some silver lining by the edges of the boots which just pick up the whole theme quite well and smoothly. The curves on Diora are simply adorable.
So how’s the colour combination working out for you? What do you think is a better combination? To check out on more finest leather picks do visit UK Leather Factory website for finest leather jackets and accessories.
In my next instalment I will add more on what helmet will suit the Cobra Leather Jacket costume.
Also do check out the new racer’s leather jacket inspired from Honda