Why Leather? Leather is intelligent, never grows tired, never grows old but grows gracefully. Leather creates a bond which is unparalleled with just any other outfit.
What is topping my list of fashion shopping from the online brands – well pretty much is dominated by colour, trend, texture, looks and the inner feel that will go a long way out of your wardrobe.
Use-And-Throw Vs. Investment - Leather comes with a durability tag while others are use-and-throw label to keep the industries rolling, hence a slow movement with leather. But leather is man’s best friend after all.
And leather is the best mirror of one’s taste and class of niche fashion signature. Pure leather is priceless precious investment money can acquire.
Leather Quality – any other competitor doesn’t come near to leather in feel, touch and long-lasting essence. CAUTION – picking up a leather outfit, you should be adept enough to understand what your physical appearance will be projected and affected when leather endorses you.
All leather is not for everyone, nor should everyone wear leather, like Rolex which is not made for everyone. Leather is niche; leather is premium outerwear which demands respect.
Pick of the Week # 1 – Grand-Slam HOT pick of the month – Valentine shopping special custom made pure leather motorcycle jacket for women – the gift she will just not wait to have it and wear it the year long.
Precious as its pure leather that’ll last for a lifetime like your love. Carry a heavy bike chopper and give this to her and she’ll melt for that perfect moment.
Pick of the Week # 2 – Since you’re agile, young and energetic – how about going with something less warmer, less thicker but equally stylishly impressive.
Black slim-fit pure leather winter jacket for men on BIG SALE - with casual finishing for that boy’s look – relish the boy-zone on the road.
That is something for the university boys ready to experiment the sentiments of February.
What about the older boys on the block?
Pick of the Week # 3 – Stylish, masculine, power statement, authoritative and yet very trendy, supreme commander look in custom-made pure leather military winter jacket for men on sale. Calm in its upper expression, while the mild or middle expression is of natural outlook for a tourist adventurer.
Mild brown leather coats for men – just to say that you’re touchy and elegant as men’s class should be.
Wearing Wingtips + Flannel off-white trousers with glossy black wingtips will just add the sheen.
Walk into a cinema and get the heads turned. Don’t forget to wear the checked blue and white shirt that goes to explain the power of pure leather covering the checks.
Sound neat isn’t it..?