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Thursday, 2 January 2014

Fashion & Movie Review - 2 Guns – Massive Explosive Action and Performance Delivery

Massive explosive intelligent and slightly to moderately and extremely twisted plot of two inside-men are out to investigate a con network which went seriously wrong but that comes with of each of their ignorance of the fact both being undercover agents, one working for the naval intelligence while the other is a regular police undercover officer.

The chemistry weaved together by Denzel is always worth watching for. Mark Wahlberg adds up the flavour for the film to be watchable that garnered positive rating for a more-toward-traditional action film type of a movie which carries an inherent cunning-script-writer’s twist of both being intelligent yet can’t figure out the backgrounds and are working together.

Denzel sometimes gives the impression that of a maternal uncle when working undercover – advisor, helper, risk-taker, keeping your back covered – Mark then outshines the plot and the ending seems to be quite predictable, if not edge of the seat experience is delivered.

2 Guns will never disappoint – being of 2013, the script will be crispy with leading protagonists bringing quite a lot of experience and muscle work to the whole scene, the current Hollywood trend is leaning towards more script intensive plots, such action sequence demands a powerful combination of script and characters and Denzel Mark Wahlberg franchise pulls it nicely.

Movie Adventure Advice - For such movie adventure (MovieVenture) you need a group of adrenaline ‘high’ friends, a basket full of popcorns, a wide-screen theatre and just lots of post-movie crazy reviews to talk on for hours.

Cinematic Apparel – watching an officer type movie, you have to get that undercover kind of a feeling – I would definitely pick a designer cut leather jacket for men on sale. Being the holiday season I’ll lay my hands on camel leather which runs smooth overall and the blessed touch of it just sends the supple feelings of touching it again.

Men’s fashion shopping of this pure camel leather jacket for men on sale will take your friends off-guard. Keep it a secret. Get the fashion sense.

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