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Thursday, 13 February 2014

Fashion Blunders to Avoid At All Costs

What is TOTALLY NO – NO in the men’s fashion world? Wearing a class needs attention, a little bit of a budget and some very critical friends who can criticize every nook and corner of your persona. Your outfits say a lot about you.

Halloween Day is NOT Every day – mixing novelty ties and clothes seem to be too enticing for just anyone. But these varieties and combinations only work well in low-down parties and Halloween meet ups. Or are you still reminiscing the university days when everything was ‘just’ fine. 

Even Mark Zuckerberg now wears decently, though he is a famous drop out. So adapt the formals and semi-formals as the dress code. Casuals need some synchronization and a taste too that blends well with the surroundings which reflect sobriety and openness. So keep out the novelty ties and shirts. A very strong NO-NO.

Mixing the White Socks – with darker trousers are just obnoxious and take away the attention instantly from your face to your ankles. Take maximum effort to avoid your ankles being the focus of the show. Or put your ankles where your face is – how will that look? If you’re not Picasso, then it will be odd and odder. Mix neutrals then. Socks MUST NOT contrast with the trousers but should blend with the color of the trousers.

BIG SHOES – are best to squash lizards and cockroaches. Keep some for that but BIG SHOES have left the scene two decades ago.

Slim classic glossy and non-lustrous shoes are best wearable trendy nowadays. Adapt to the trend. Check twitter to know what’s on.

Jewelry – Men’s jewelry is necessarily the branded watch. Nothing less than that and nothing more. Bracelets, necklaces, earrings and colorful rings are just not man’s best show. NEVER. Only if you’re competing Jazzy-B, only then you’re the junk fashion category and will not end up at the corporate parties. Better look like a clown than overdosed jewelry display shop.

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